Our Approach

Our Approach

Every client and every dispute is different. Some clients are bomb throwers and some would rather die than say anything that isn’t nice. Some cases are super straightforward and some are a messy tangle of facts spanning many years. We’ve done and seen it all.

  • We’re happy to litigate/very experienced, but frequently the only people who win in litigation are the lawyers. We try to avoid litigation, but if that’s the only option that’s open,we’re highly trained/experienced.
  • We’re focused on helping clients get the results that best suit them.
  • We love working with people who are smart and self-aware.
  • We work with different clients in different ways. Laura is the more aggressive and I’m the more even tempered. We work well together because we balance each other out to effectively advocate for a client’s interest and goals.
  • We know that litigation and disputes can be really stressful. We help our clients by, not only providing legal advice, but by helping them to understand the overall process for dispute resolution. For some clients, that means, taking an aggressive position in litigation, for some it means pursuing a negotiated resolution and for some it means doing both things simultaneously.
  • We are genuinely interested in the law and enjoy learning about new issues, which makes us nerds, but also makes us the sort of attorneys you want representing you