Business Development Basics: Choose Your Path, Find Your People

As you know, I’m interested in business development and am always looking to learn more. In search of new ideas and inspiration, I Googled “lawyer blog on business development.” Yikes! 

On the bright side, one of the first things that came up was this worthy blog, which I routinely read. But after that it was pretty much a wasteland of cliched blather: Develop a network; have a personal brand (can we please retire this phrase?); maintain good relationships with clients; and, inevitably, be a thought leader! (another phrase I am so over).

Pretty empty stuff, right? If anything, I think the fact that so many people serve up the same trite advice proves that none of them actually possess a personal brand or provide thought leadership (is there an emoji for irony?). More importantly, none of these bloggers ever tell you much about how to do these things they suggest. Obviously, these people are trying to sell their services and don’t want to give away valuable advice. But why would I be confident they actually have any? 

What’s more, such vague banalities make the reality of business development seem more mysterious and daunting than it actually is. So let’s see if we can simplify things with some real lessons from my own experience that I feel define the building blocks of business development.

I’ve learned that the origin point is to give serious thought to a few questions: Who are you? What exactly do you want to do? How do you want to communicate that? Who do you want to work and network with? That foundational work needs to happen before you hire a marketing, PR or social media person — or to at least take place from the get-go with any hires. I say this as someone who spent good money on a marketing consultant with bad results, partly because we hadn’t answered these questions at the start. 

Perhaps the most important of those questions is, what exactly do you want to do? When I started my firm I worked on a very broad range of cases and matters, basically taking whatever came my way. Guess what? I ended up working on things I had absolutely no interest in. (I am 100% fine if I never, ever handle another ERISA matter). So why did I do it? Well duh, the idea of turning down a client for my brand-new practice was terrifying. But when I eventually started saying no, my work (and my life) became much more satisfying. I avoided cases that didn’t interest me and didn’t waste energy dealing with people I didn’t want to work with. That freed me to take on interesting cases and work with people I was happy to represent. Plus, it left me time to further refine my skills and deepen my knowledge of the substantive legal areas that I wanted my practice to focus on. 

Another problem with taking on work you don’t want: Such cases lead to meeting people, like co-counsel and opposing counsel, who work in those areas. They get to like you (that’s nice!). They think of you when something comes up they could refer to you (also nice!). But then you end up with more cases you don’t want (not nice). So it becomes something of a vicious career circle. 

Once you know what type of work you want to take on, the next step is determining what clients you’re open to working with. Me, I have a strict “no assholes” policy. Litigation can be a very difficult, frustrating and draining experience, and if I get even a hint that a potential client is going to vent their anger with the process on me or my team, they will need to find another firm. Likewise, if a potential client comes to me after having been fired by another attorney, I’m not taking them on — no matter how much they’re willing to pay. It’s just not worth the possible stress. Ultimately, picking who I work with and what I work on makes it easier for me to do good work, which means the clients are happier, I’m happier, and the chances that more of the work I want will come my way increases exponentially. 

I have a similar attitude when it comes to my network of peers and contacts in the legal community. I associate with people I like, who I respect, and who share my general ethos. That way, when I refer potential clients to someone I trust, I know that client will be treated well. And when I get referrals from peers I know well, I have some assurance the potential client and I are right for each other. 

Speaking of networks, one thing I’ve learned over the years is that having a network is a lot more than a pile of business cards from people I met at some conference and then never spoke to again. How, exactly, is that a network? To me, a network is an array of professional contacts I enjoy regularly staying in touch with (and I’m not talking about through Instagram or TikTok). Having real relationships with people helps you all grow your businesses, your knowledge and, most importantly, your joy in what you do. 

And in the end, enjoying what you do is the single most important litmus test for business development, because if you’re happy in your work, you’re developing your business right.